Decision Session – Executive Member for Transport

03 November 2020


Report of the Corporate Director – Economy and Place


York Road, Haxby – Proposed Zebra Crossing

1.        Summary

This report presents the findings of the preliminary investigations in to the feasibility, likely cost, and impact of providing a Zebra crossing on York Road, Haxby, near its junction with Calf Close.

2.        Recommendations

The Executive Member is asked to approve the scheme shown in Annex A

Reason: to provide a safe and formal crossing point on York Road, Haxby, a road which is in close proximity the three local schools, a local residential home for the elderly, and Ethel Ward playing field which is the largest leisure facility in Haxby.

3.        Background

·        A petition containing 1052 signatures was received by council officers on 7th March 2018. The petition outlined the issues facing residents who have a need to cross York Road and requested that the Council provide a formal crossing on the stretch of road between the Ethel Ward playing field and Holly Tree Lane.

·        The petition was reported to the Executive Member for Transport in May 2018. Approval was given for officers to undertake a formal pedestrian crossing assessment on the suggested section of York Road. Surveys of both vehicles and pedestrians were undertaken to enable the most appropriate pedestrian crossing facility and location for such a facility to be determined.

·        The results of the assessment were reported back to the Executive Member in November 2018 and stated that a controlled crossing (zebra or puffin) could be justified either immediately north of Calf Close or immediately north of Holly Tree Lane. The Executive Member authorised officers to undertake further investigations to determine the most appropriate site for the crossing.     

4.           Feasibility Assessment

As part of the feasibility study the following key pieces of work have been undertaken

·        A site survey of the area

·        Developing an outline design

·         Detailed traffic and pedestrian surveys

·        A Statutory undertakers utility search (to assess the extent and likely cost of protecting or diverting underground services affected by the scheme)

·        Undertaking a Road Safety Audit to assess the road safety implications of the proposals

·        Producing a preliminary cost estimate for delivering the project

·        Initial consultation with local Ward Councillors (to gauge support and identify concerns)

5.           Outline Design

Of the three areas examined, this section of York Road is considered to be the most suitable location as other potential locations were adversely affected by driveways, bus stops, trees etc. This location is also on the natural desire line for pedestrians wishing to cross from the playing field area.

The outline design developed from the feasibility study is shown on the plan in Annex A. This provides a Zebra crossing situated near 38a York Road.   



6.           Traffic Surveys

In order to assess the traffic movements along and the pedestrian movements across York Road, the following surveys were commissioned:

·        Pedestrian crossing assessment over a 12 hour period (7am to 7pm)

·        Classified vehicle survey (7am to 7pm)

·        Traffic speed surveys on York Road (24 hour per day over an 8 day period)

7.           Utility Search

The utility search results and discussions with their Officers led to subsequent trial hole excavations in the verges/footways to verify the positions and depths of services. The subsequent detailed design of the crossing facility will remove the need to affect any utility equipment.  


8.           Road Safety Assessment


A combined Stage 1-2 Road Safety Audit has been undertaken to review the outline design. This has highlighted a small number of concerns, which can be easily mitigated during the design stage.


The most significant concern was that the position of the proposed zebra pole on the western footway would cause a pinch point in the footway width, and potential visibility issue for drivers exiting the adjacent nearest driveways. These issues were resolved by repositioning the pole/belisha beacon at the back of the footway with a cantilever arm, thereby creating sufficient space.  


9.           Consultation


Ward Councillor consultation


Ward Councillors in the Haxby and Wigginton Ward were consulted. Councillors Cuthbertson, Hollyer, and Pearson all strongly support the proposals. Councillor D’Agorne commented he ‘was happy to support the recommendations of Ward Councillors based on their local knowledge’ in response to their recommendation of the location of the proposed crossing.


 Officer consultation


Officer response

No. of comments on topic:

Support proposal



Introduce traffic calming measures/reduce speed limit to 20mph

The introduction of the crossing should help slow some drivers down which would have a positive impact on speed reduction.


Request for clarification of location of zig zag road markings, and any parking restrictions

Information provided as requested


Information requested on:

·         criteria used for selecting this location

·         results on the pedestrian and traffic surveys undertaken,

·         details and input made by Ward Members.


Concern expressed regarding:

·         access to properties and exiting driveways




impact on access for disabled.









It is considered that the Zebra crossing can be accommodated in the location shown on the plan without affecting driveway access.








Concern regarding noise and light impact

Zebrite beacons are proposed which use LED lighting producing a more subtle illumination, becoming automatically darker at night, and no beeping noise is emitted.




Concern about previous publicity from the Ward Councillors indicating it appeared a decision had been made to install the crossing at this location.

Request to view the full pedestrian and traffic surveys previously undertaken.

Responses to the external consultation will be reported back to this decision session where a decision would be taken on if to proceed, do further work/amendments, or not progress with the scheme.






Response time to consultation letter was less than 2 full weeks


The consultation letters were verified as being hand delivered with the allowance of a full two week response time.



Alternative locations

The siting of a crossing facility between Holly Tree Lane and this proposal was considered but the presence of existing features such as bus stops and driveways ruled this option out.









Provision of pedestrian refuge instead of a crossing

The existing width of York Road carriageway would not permit a pedestrian traffic island to be provided. It is also considered that a Zebra crossing would be a safer solution at this location.



          No concerns were raised by CYC Officers.


External consultation


Letters were delivered to a number of local residents near the proposed location of the zebra crossing, and 5 written responses were received – summarised below (Detail in Annex B):-


10.        Options

The options available to the Executive Member are:


·        Option (i) – approve the scheme as shown in Annex A.

This course of action is recommended because of the three areas examined, this section of York Road is considered to be the most suitable location as other potential locations were adversely affected by driveways, bus stops, trees etc. This location is also on the natural desire line for pedestrians wishing to cross from the playing field area.

·        Option (ii) – approve the scheme as shown in Annex A, but with minor amendments. These amendments would be subject to a subsequent Technical Review by Officers to ensure there were no significant drawbacks. If the Review found them to be acceptable, then those measures would be included in the scheme for implementation.


·        Option (iii) – do nothing. This is not recommended because there currently is no crossing provided for a significant stretch of York Road to enable safe passage across the road. The request for a crossing was initiated by a substantial number of local residents, as evidenced by a petition containing 1052 signatures which was received by council officers on 7th March 2018. It is also fully supported by local ward members.


11.        Council Plan


The decisions proposed support the council plan and some of its core outcomes. It supports

·        Getting Around Sustainably as the proposal is to improve crossings at the junction for pedestrians

·        Open and Accessible Council the proposal originated from one of the nearby primary schools. This shows that the Council is working in Partnership with local communities and listening to concerns.


12.        Implications

This report must have the following implications:

·        Financial - It is estimated that the cost of implementing the recommended option (i) is £29,000, including the changes made following the safety audit.  There is sufficient budget set aside in the Ward funding from Haxby and Wigginton Wards.  The Finance Manager has been consulted and has no issues.

·        Human Resources (HR) - There are no Human Resources implications

·        Equalities - York Road may act as a barrier to some residents who currently struggle to cross the road. Provision of a formal crossing will make crossing the road much easier.

·        Legal - The City of York Council, as Highways Authority, has powers under the Highways Act 1980 and associated Road Traffic Regulations Act 1984, and the Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) Order 1995 to implement the measures proposed.

·        Crime and Disorder - There are no crime and disorder implications.

·        Information Technology (IT) - There are no IT implications

·        Property - There are no property implications.

·        Other - There are no other known implications.

13.        Risk Management


In compliance with the Council’s risk management strategy, the following risks associated with the recommendations in this report have been identified and described in the following points, and set out in the table below:


·        Health and safety – the risk associated with this is in connection with the road safety implications of the final layout, and has been assessed at 2.

·        Authority reputation – this risk is in connection with local media coverage and public perception of the Council not undertaking a project that has been consulted upon and is assessed at 6.

Risk Category




Health and safety




Organisation/ Reputation









These produce a risk score of 8, which being in the 6-10 category means that the risks have been assessed as being “Low”. This level of risk requires regular monitoring.







Contact Details


Chief Officer Responsible for the report:



Shaun Harrison,

Transport Projects

Tel 01904 553471



James Gilchrist

Assistant Director of Transport, Highways and Environment



Report Approved







Specialist Implications Officer(s) 

There are no specialist implications.




Wards Affected:  Haxby and Wigginton











Background Papers:


Executive Decision Sessions 15th May 2018 (Agenda item 86) and 15th November 2018 (Agenda item 48)





Annex A: Drawing no TP/190004/FINAL/01

Annex B Consultation Responses